
You can contact us by filling out the query form. You can find us (appointment only) at:

Mòdul 23, Despatx 5 “Ca L’Eucaliptus”
Facultat de Dret (Law Faculty)
Av. Diagonal 684
08034 Barcelona

The main entrance to the Faculty of Law is at Av. Diagonal 684, but it consists of three buildings (known as the main building, the Tomás y Valiente building, and the Ilerdense building).

Com s’hi arriba en transport públic

    First name:





    Subject (choose one):

    Enter your message:

    Right of information (Additional information) on your data

    Data Controller: General Secretary’s Office (Secretaria General) of the Universitat de Barcelona
    Purpose: To manage your query and provide the services offered by the Legal Clinic on Housing and Residential Mediation of the Law School of the University of Barcelona.
    Legal basis: Explicit consent of the interested party in order to manage the query and provide the relevant services.
    Recipients: The University itself and those in charge of processing your data on behalf of the University, if applicable. No transfer of data to third parties is envisaged, unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
    Rights: Right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure your data, right to request data portability and restriction of processing.
    Additional information: It can be retrieved from the following URL:

    Enter the following characters in the box to the right and then click on SEND MESSAGE:
